How Comprehensive Primary Care Can Improve Your Health & Money

Comprehensive Primary Care

When it comes to healthcare, most people act reactively instead of proactively. Comprehensive care is a critical aspect of overall health and well-being. 

After all, preventative healthcare aims to prevent illnesses and diseases before they occur or to detect them early when they are more easily treatable. This healthcare approach improves individuals’ health outcomes and saves money in the long run. 

By investing in comprehensive primary care savings, individuals can save significant amounts of money on healthcare costs and avoid the potential physical and emotional toll of chronic illness. 

In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of preventative healthcare and how it can save individuals money.

Importance of preventive healthcare  savings

1. Improves your health in the long term

Comprehensive primary care entails identifying possible issues before they grow. 

For instance, your blood pressure will be checked frequently if you receive routine wellness exams. You can begin taking steps to lower your blood pressure if your healthcare provider recognizes an increase before it becomes an issue.

2. Increases lifespan

Comprehensive primary care can significantly increase your life expectancy since it enables you to identify problems early and treat them quickly.

For instance, if you engage in weight management practices, lose excess weight, and keep it off, you’ll live longer and stave off serious illnesses like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. 

3 .Avoid high medical expenses

The cost of comprehensive primary care is significantly lower than that of reactive healthcare.

Preventative care can either identify diseases before they get out of hand, which will significantly lower the cost of treatment, or it will alert you to potential problem areas, which can stop future illnesses in their tracks.

Also, even if you haven’t reached your deductible, most health insurance plans will cover all of your preventative care expenses, making it a much more appealing choice than paying thousands of dollars for treatments.

Why does preventive care matter?

Comprehensive primary care helps lower healthcare costs in America by preventing or treating diseases before they require emergency care. A third of all healthcare expenses in America are paid for hospital care, which is quite expensive. 

For those without insurance, the cost of emergency department care can be very high. Even if the patient cannot pay for the necessary services, hospitals are compelled to offer emergency care. The hospital always finds a way to recoup these expenses, transferring them to Medicaid and health insurance premiums. As a result, everyone’s access to health care will cost more.

In 2018, 21.3% of adults visited the emergency room at least once. 4 people are more likely to use the emergency room as their primary care physician if they lack access to affordable preventative care.

Regardless of whether they had health insurance, 7.0% of persons between 18 and 64 went in 2014, whereas 77% went to the ER because the situation was so urgent. Also, 15.4% of people without insurance are more likely to visit the emergency room because they have less access to other doctors. 


Preventative healthcare is essential to maintaining good health and saving money in the long run. By adopting a proactive approach to health, individuals can prevent diseases before they occur or detect them early, leading to better health outcomes and lower healthcare costs. 


Investing in comprehensive primary care measures is a smart financial decision and a wise investment in one’s health and well-being. So, take charge of your health today and reap the benefits of preventative healthcare for years.

We at Betterment Inc. help employees and employers understand healthcare savings under the proper guidance of industry experts. For more information about our services, get in touch with us.


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